Mathematicians explore cicada's mysterious link with primes,0,5638148.story

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Duo Calculates Pi to 5 Trillion Places

August 13, 2010 

 Systems engineer Shigeru Kondo (Nagoya University) and Alexander J. Yee, a U.S. computer science student at Northwestern University, claim to have calculated the value of pi to five trillion digits.

If their work stands up, they will have shattered the pi calculation record set earlier the year by Fabrice Bellard, who calculated the value of pi to 2.7 trillion digits.



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Beatles mystery chord found a mathematician

The opening chord to the Beatles' song Hard Days Night had long stumped musicians and musical historians. It took a mathematician, Jason Brown, using a Fourier Transform to decompose the chord into its original frequencies. Was it George's 12 string, John's 6 string, or Paul's bass? Find out what the missing ingredient was. 

Evil numbers

Evil numbers

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Mathematics and shoe lacing

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